Listen to Ted Nugent’s Recent Radio Interview on Gun Control: “They Don’t Want to Save Lives”


Listen to Ted Nugent’s Recent Radio Interview on Gun Control: “They Don’t Want to Save Lives”

Gun rights are a hot, hot topic right now and when gun rights get hot so does Ted Nugent. In this recent interview on The Peter Schiff Show, the Motor City Madman went after gun control advocates with both barrels; citing a wide range of studies and calling the opposition everything  in the book up to and including “soulless, hypocritical, dangerous, America-freedom-hating, monsters…”

One thing you can count on from Nugent: he’s never boring.


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I'm a poet and and author. I received my BA in Creative Writing from Central Michigan University and I am pursuing my MFA in Poetry at Sarah Lawrence College. My work has appeared in The Greatest Lakes Review, The North Central Review, Dexter magazine, Open Palm Print, newspapers, magazines, bathroom stalls, the backs of highway billboards, under bridges and other, stranger, places.

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