As a hunter for over twenty years, I have had the amazing opportunity to do something I truly love. I have made a lot of mistakes, and learned from all of them.
In recent years, I have begun to combine my expertise in software development with my passion, hunting, to answer some of the questions I have had since I was a kid.
I have always wondered, "Why is the deer activity so high on one day, and then on the following day, nothing?"
That's why I decided to develop WISE trail camera software, a product that combines your trail cam images and field observation with the weather. This allows you to pattern the deer based on weather conditions, even suggesting stands to hunt based on the upcoming forecast.
I also recently launched and its sister WIKI site. The former allows the user to determine the best food plot blend for their soil conditions (as well as other factors). The latter attempts to put a sometimes complex subject of food plots into layman's terms.
I am always interested in hearing other ideas and suggestions, so don't hesitate to contact me.