Idaho Bonneville/Lower Granite Dam Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Counts Update


Idaho Bonneville/Lower Granite Dam Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Counts Update
2012 Adult Chinook Salmon Count
From August 1 to December 31
Dam Date of Count Daily Adult Count 2012
Total to Date
Total to Date
Average of Last 5 Years
Bonneville September 13 14,112 225,817 249,588 223,801
Lower Granite September 13
1,597 12,100 8,311 8,108
  • Counts include both hatchery and wild origin adults. Jacks are not included in the count.
  • For daily dam counts and additional information please visit the Fish Passage Center (adult count page) or the Columbia River DART Adult Passage site.

Chinook count for Bonneville DamChinook count for Lower Granite Dam

2012 Steelhead Count
From July 1 to November 30
Dam Date of Count Daily Count 2012
Total To Date
Total To Date
Average of Last 5 Years
Bonneville September 13
1,330 183,990 315,948 352,050
Lower Granite September 13
1,676 11,662 55,110 42,808
  • Counts include wild and hatchery origin fish. Most steelhead bound for Idaho cross Bonneville Dam between July 1 and October 31.
  • Information on numbers of steelhead crossing the Columbia and Snake River dams is taken from data posted by the United States Army Corps of Engineers, and is updated weekly during the counting season.

Daily steelhead count at Lower Bonneville DamDaily steelhead count at Lower Granite Dam

Avatar Author ID 421 - 590728516

Idaho Department of Fish and Game is currently a writer for OutdoorHub who has chosen not to write a short bio at this time.

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