Washington DFW Fishing Rule Change: Whatcom Creek will Re-open to Fishing
OutdoorHub 01.24.13
Action: Opens Whatcom Creek.
Effective dates: Feb. 1 through Feb. 28.
Species affected: All species of fish.
Location: Whatcom Creek, from the mouth to Woburn Street Bridge.
Reasons for action: Hatchery winter steelhead broodstock collection will be completed Feb. 1. Hatchery steelhead not retained at the hatchery by this date are available for harvest.
Other information: Check the 2012-13 Sportfishing pamphlet ( http://wdfw.wa.gov/fishing/regulations/ ) for daily catch limits and other regulations.
Information Contact: Brett Barkdull, 360-466-4345 ext. 270, barkdbcb@dfw.wa.gov .