Lower White Oak Lake Stocking is Underway in Arkansas
Arkansas Game and Fish Commission 05.09.13
After many months of hard work, the gates on the water control structure of Lower White Oak Lake were closed in February and the lake is now refilling with runoff from rainfall. With water levels now at an adequate level, restocking of the lake with desirable fish species has begun.
Almost 2,000 catchable-size channel catfish were stocked into Lower White Oak Lake at the White Oak Bell access beginning in April, according to Arkansas Game and Fish Commission District Supervisor Jason Olive. “The channel catfish stocked into the lake were between 1 and 2 pounds and should provide plenty of enjoyment for catfish anglers even though they have to release them,” Olive said.
Olive was very optimistic about future catfish fishing on Lower White Oak Lake. “With the additional catfish habitat placed into the lake during the renovation, catfish fishing should be very good in the next 2 to3 years,” he explained. To increase the odds for successful establishment of desirable fish species, fish stockings will occur gradually throughout 2013 and 2014. Lower White Oak Lake is open to catch and release fishing only and will remain that way until 2014.