New Derby Opportunity for Michigan Anglers
Dave Mull 08.09.13
Michigan salmon angler Ryan Gilbert wondered why the states of Wisconsin and New York and the Province of Ontario could host successful fishing derbies each summer, while Michigan’s last Great Lakes fishing derbies faded away more than three decades ago. He decided to do something about it.
Gilbert started the Michigan Salmon Spectacular, a derby for Michigan anglers on Lake Michigan that runs from Aug. 24 through Sept. 2 and, with enough participation, will award $5,000 for the heaviest fish caught and weighed in contest.
“My logic is that if anglers have been having fun at successful derbies in Wisconsin and on Lake Ontario, why not here?” said Gilbert, a fishing buddy of mine, who lives in DeWitt and caught his first salmon back in 1970. “I remember the excitement of the derbies in the late 1970s and early ’80s, and it was a lot of fun that I’d like to see again.”
He spent the late spring and early summer convincing Michigan fishing tackle retailers along the Lake Michigan coast that they needed to serve as weigh-in locations for the Salmon Spectacular. Eleven tackle stores from Broadlow’s Fishin’ Hole in St. Joseph on the south end up north to the MC Sports and Outdoors Center in Traverse City signed up. Gilbert said the shops all benefit from the increased foot traffic of anglers buying their derby tickets (which cost $30 for adults and $15 for kids), and then returning to weigh fish. The stores will no doubt also sell a few lures and other gear, as few anglers can enter a tackle store without buying something.
In addition to the grand prize, the derby will also award $100 in daily prizes for the biggest fish caught that day in eight designated areas along the Lake Michigan coast. The biggest fish caught and entered each day wins another $100 prize.
Plus, the contest should appeal to people who might take a lot of different people fishing in the course of the 10-day derby—they can purchase a “boat ticket” for $150, and then anyone fishing with them can enter a fish. Charter captains get the same sort of deal when they purchase a $200 “charter boat ticket.” Interested anglers can also buy derby tickets, get the official rules and see more details online.
As the first of what Gilbert hopes will be many years of the Michigan Salmon Spectacular, the contest will no doubt have its share of unforeseen glitches. You have to admire a guy who has the courage to dream big and then put a huge project like this together. For one, it will help draw more attention to Michigan’s great salmon fishery on Lake Michigan, but it will also most likely help the participating bait stores sell more gear. Most importantly, it will provide a fun way for the average person going fishing to participate in a contest and possibly win some money.
To give out the advertised prizes, Gilbert needs 1,300 anglers to sign up. If fewer than that sign up before the contest dates, the payouts will be lighter, so many anglers might not want to spend $30 unless they know 1,300 anglers have already signed up. The rules say refunds will be made if the contest gets canceled before it starts, but hopefully the Michigan Salmon Spectacular will be a huge success.
It’s courageous all right. I truly hope it works for Gilbert, the tackle stores, and the anglers who have the desire to participate in a fun contest.
List of Weigh-In Stations
Broadlow’s Fishing Hole
1127 Main Street
St. Joseph, MI 49085
(269) 982-FISH (3474)
Pyle’s Port Hole
141 Dunkley Avenue
South Haven, MI 49090
(269) 637-6720
Lakeshore Tackle
6398 Blue Star Highway
Saugatuck, MI 49453
(269) 857-2248
Gold Coast Outfitters
6755 Butternut Drive
West Olive, MI 49460
(616) 786-9314
Fish On Bait & Tackle
13664 Cleveland Ave. (M-104)
Nunica, MI 49448
(616) 935-6985
Shoreline Service Bait & Tackle
2080 Lakeshore Drive
Muskegon, MI 40441
(231) 759-2754
Johnson’s Great Outdoors
8603 Water St
Montague, MI 49437
(231) 893-6688
Captain Chuck’s
5756 W US10
Ludington MI 49431
(231) 843-4485
Tangled Tackle
48 Arthur
Manistee, MI 49660
(231) 887-4242
Frankfort Tackle Box
9th and Main
Frankfort, MI 49635
(231) 352-7673
MC Sports Outdoor Center
3450 South Airport West
Traverse City, MI 49684
(231) 933-6158
For more information on Michigan fishing go to Click here to purchase a Michigan fishing license online.