Washington Hunter’s Deadline to Apply for Special Hunt Permits is May 18
OutdoorHub 04.25.12
Hunters have through May 18 to apply for special hunting permits for fall deer, elk, mountain goat, moose, bighorn sheep, and turkey seasons in Washington state.
Permit winners will be selected through a random drawing conducted by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) in late June. The special permits qualify hunters to hunt at times and places beyond those authorized by a general hunting license.
Applications may be purchased from license vendors statewide or on WDFW’s website athttps://fishhunt.dfw.wa.gov/wdfw/special_permits.html. Applications must be submitted on that website or by calling 1-877-945-3492.
Instructions and details on applying for special-permit hunts are described on pages 84-85 of the 2012-13 Big Game Hunting Seasons & Regulations pamphlet, available at WDFW offices, license vendors, and online athttp://wdfw.wa.gov/hunting/regulations. Additional information is available athttp://wdfw.wa.gov/hunting/permits/faq.html.
Before applying for a special-hunt permit, hunters must purchase an application and any necessary hunting licenses and transport tags for each species they wish to hunt. All are available online, by phone, or from a licensed dealer.
Most special hunt permit applications cost $6.60 for residents, $110.00 for non-residents, and $3.30 for youth under 16 years of age.
The exception is the cost for residents purchasing applications for mountain goats, any ram and any moose, as well as “quality” categories for deer and elk. Those applications cost $13.20.
Dave Ware, WDFW game division manager, reminds hunters to update their email and mailing address in the system when purchasing their special hunting permit applications and licenses. Each year, hundreds of special hunting permits are returned due to invalid addresses.
Results of the special-permit drawing will be available online by the end of June athttps://fishhunt.dfw.wa.gov/wa/specialhuntlookup. Winners will be notified by mail by mid-July.