Michigan Pheasant Restoration Initiative Gaining Momentum Through Work of Lake Hudson Pheasant Cooperative
OutdoorHub 05.09.12
The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today applauded the Lake Hudson Pheasant Cooperative (LHPC) for its efforts in building a coalition of landowners and others committed to restoring pheasant habitat and revitalizing pheasant hunting in Michigan.
“The Lake Hudson Pheasant Cooperative’s progress illustrates that bringing back Michigan’s pheasant hunting tradition is important to people and that they’re eager to work together to make it happen,” said Al Stewart, DNR upland game bird specialist. “If we can duplicate what the LHPC has accomplished in other communities – and I believe we can – then we’re well on our way to success with the Michigan Pheasant Restoration Initiative.
One of the first cooperatives to form as part of the Michigan Pheasant Restoration Initiative, the Lenawee County-based LHPC is collaborating with the DNR at Lake Hudson Recreation Area, where multiple Pheasants Forever chapters are providing volunteer labor and funds for habitat improvements that the DNR budget would not allow for otherwise. This work will take several years but will produce prime pheasant habitat containing native grass plantings with wildflowers and food plots. Cooperative members hope that local landowners will continue to join in this effort and connect filter strips, buffers and other blocks of habitat to this site, as well as enhance existing habitat to create a changed landscape that will benefit pheasants as well as song birds, migratory birds, deer and other wildlife.
The LHPC also recently hosted its first annual meeting for 30-plus members, interested neighbors and partners, bringing local landowners together to learn about and discuss the cooperative’s plans for restoring pheasant habitat.
“This meeting was for those who really do care about quality habitat and bettering the pheasant populations in the area. And this cooperative will help them all get together for a common cause, a common goal,” said Lauren Lindemann, Lenawee Conservation District’s Farm Bill biologist. “This cooperative has a life of its own now. There are passionate people here.”
The Michigan Pheasant Restoration Initiative (MPRI) is a conservation initiative to restore and enhance Michigan pheasant habitat, populations and hunting opportunity on private and public lands. It will accomplish this through public-private cooperatives that improve habitat for pheasants and other wildlife on a landscape level. The MPRI works by acquiring state and federal resources to assist landowners in the cooperatives to improve wildlife habitat on their property and by improving habitat on selected state game areas, recreation areas or other public lands. Learn more about the MPRI at www.michigan.gov/pheasant.
To learn more about the LHPC, look for the Lake Hudson Pheasant Cooperative page on Facebook or contact Lauren Lindemann at the Lenawee Conservation District at 517-263-7400, ext. 119.