Governor Daniels Honored by Indiana Bowhunters
OutdoorHub 05.30.12
Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels has received the 2011 Indiana Bowhunter Association’s “Legislator of the Year Award” as recognition of his positive efforts toward conservation in the state of Indiana. While making the presentation, IBA treasurer Herb Higgins noted that Governor Daniels is the first Governor to earn this award from the IBA. Higgins continued “The award is generally given to a state legislator, however; with Governor Daniels’ history of creating more land available to the public via land swaps between state agencies and his recent veto of a bill that would have allowed captive cervid farming, the IBA felt Governor Daniels was an obvious choice for the award”
The Indiana Bowhunter Association was established in 1965 and is the only statewide organization dedicated to representing all Bowhunters in the state of Indiana.