Annual Cooperator Patches Now Available from Michigan Bear Hunters Association
OutdoorHub 07.31.12
As Michigan’s black bear season approaches, the Department of Natural Resources reminds hunters that the 2012 bear management cooperator patches are available from the Michigan Bear Hunters Association (MBHA).
Cooperator patches were once given to successful hunters at bear registration stations, where DNR staff collect teeth and other research data from harvested bears. In 2008, faced with limited resources, the DNR partnered with the MBHA in order to continue to provide the bear patch.
MBHA now designs and produces the patches and administers the patch program, making the patch available to all interested parties. The partnership continues with MBHA donating patch sale profits to the DNR for use in bear education and management efforts.
In 2011, MBHA began a contest for youth to design the bear patch. The winner of the 2012 patch design contest is Trevor Simmonds from Davison. Information on how to participate in the patch design contest can be found on the DNR’s bear website ( or the MBHA website (
Youth hunters (17 and under) can receive a free patch by sending in a copy of their current bear hunting license. Other hunters, collectors and enthusiasts can purchase patches for $5 each. It is not necessary to harvest a bear to purchase a patch. Patches from previous years (2009-2011) also will be available until sold out. Please specify the quantity of each year’s patch when ordering patches from multiple years.
Patches are available by sending a check (made out to “MBHA”), with a return address, to:
MBHA Patch Program
10510 Fairgrieve Rd.
Johannesburg, MI 49751
For more information on the patches visit MBHA’s website at or email Alicia at