2012-13 Louisiana Dove Season Opening Day Shooting Hours Clarification
Dove hunters are advised that the printed version of the 2012-13 Louisiana Hunting Regulations booklet contains an incorrect date referencing shooting hours for doves.
The shooting hours note on page 28 of the printed booklet indicates Sept. 3 is the exception to the standard “one-half hour before sunrise to sunset” dove hunting timeframe for approved dove hunting dates. That note should read: Mourning Dove: One-Half Hour before sunrise to sunset EXCEPT on Sept. 1, when shooting hours will be 12 p.m. (noon) to sunset. That correction has been made in the on-line version of the 2012-13 Louisiana Hunting Regulations booklet posted on the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries website at http://www.wlf.louisiana.gov/regulations. For more information about Louisiana’s dove hunting season, contact Jeff Duguay at 225-765-2353 or jduguay@wlf.la.gov .