Minnesota’s Conservation Partners Legacy Grant Program Application Deadlines Getting Closer
The current application cycle for the Over $25,000 (O25K)/ Under $25,000 (U25K) grant cycle of the Conservation Partners Legacy (CPL) Grant Program is coming to a close. The deadline is September 26, 2012 at 5pm CST, which means there are 4 weeks remaining to submit applications. Grant funds can be requested from $5,000- $400,000 and are available to enhance, restore, or protect the forests, wetlands, prairies, and habitat for fish, game, or wildlife in Minnesota. A total of $2.6 million is available for this cycle.
The application system is completely online and can be found on the CPL grant website. Specific grant cycle requirements and guidelines can also be found online, on the O25K/ U25K Grant Cycle web page. Please contact CPL staff for more information or with any questions or check out the website at: www.dnr.state.mn.us/grants/habitat/cpl
Applications submitted under the new Expedited Conservation Projects grant cycle will be reviewed on September 12, 2012 for the first round of funding. While this system is open continuously until May 14, 2013, applications complete and submitted before noon on September 12, 2012 will be pulled from the system and considered for funding. Awards for round 1 of ECP funding will be announced on September 25, 2012, with 4 more funding rounds to follow. See the ECP Grant Cycle web page for more information.