New Hampshire’s Free Outdoor Adventure Talk Sept 26 in Concord: Hunting Dominant Bucks
OutdoorHub 09.20.12
Increase your odds of harvesting a whitetail this fall by attending a free talk that can help you improve your deer-hunting strategies. The talk will be held on Wednesday, September 26, 2012, at 7 p.m. at the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, 11 Hazen Drive, Concord, N.H. No pre-registration is required.
Whitetail deer hunting in New Hampshire can be challenging. This talk provides key knowledge of deer biology that will help increase your odds of locating and harvesting a dominant whitetail buck this fall. Presenter Dave Priebe is a seasoned outdoorsman, lifelong naturalist and a volunteer New Hampshire hunter education instructor. He is also a Quaker Boy Game Calls pro-staff member.
Priebe’s talk will cover the rut (the phases of male whitetail deer breeding behavior); scouting and identification of classes of deer in your area; hunting techniques and strategy during each rut phase; areas of greatest deer activity; and the effects of food, water, weather and humans on deer behavior.
“Scouting is more than knowing that deer are around. It’s getting to know that deer you’re after,” said Priebe. “My talk will enhance your scouting skills and give you insight into the world of the whitetail.”
This talk is part of a fall series of free Wednesday evening outdoor adventure talks at Fish and Game. The talks continue through October 10. See the full lineup at
For more information about deer hunting in New Hampshire, including the outlook for the 2012 season and to buy your license online, visit