Nebraska Christmas Bird Count at Ponca SP Dec. 14
OutdoorHub 12.03.12
Experienced and novice birders alike are invited to join the National Audubon Society (NAS) during the annual Christmas Bird Count at Ponca State Park on Dec. 14.
Birders of all ages are welcome to make observations within the park’s 2,273 acres, as well as nearby Buckskin Hills, Powder Creek Lake and Elk Point Bend wildlife management areas. Information collected by birders is provided to researchers and biologists to assist in the study of health and status of bird populations.
Birders can bring binoculars and meet for instruction at the park’s Missouri National Recreational River Resource and Education Center at 7 a.m. After making observations, they may return for a chili feed at noon.
A valid park entry permit is required. For questions, contact the park at 402-755-2284 or