Washington’s Cascade River Re-opens to Fishing
OutdoorHub 01.14.13
Action: The lower section of the Cascade River (Skagit County) that was previously closed will re-open to fishing for all game fish.
Effective dates: Jan.16, 2013.
Species affected: All gamefish.
Location: Cascade River from the mouth upstream to Rockport-Cascade Road.
Reasons for action: Hatchery winter steelhead broodstock collection has been achieved.
Other information: Please see the Sport fishing Rules 20012/2013 pamphlet edition, FISHING IN WASHINGTON, for a complete listing of fishing seasons and regulations.
Information Contact: Brett Barkdull, District 14 Fish Biologist, 360-466-4345 ext. 270, barkdbcb@dfw.wa.gov .