Bohning Archery Staffer Named Hunter of Year in Finland
OutdoorHub 01.15.13
Bohning Archery announces Finland’s naming of Bohning Pro Hunting staffer, Juha Kylma, as Hunter Of The Year!
We are proud to announce that the Etela-Savo game management district of Finland elected, for the first time, a Bowhunter as the Hunter of the Year. This yearly “camp fire” event was held on Saturday the 15th of December. This nomination was given to Juha Kylma, President of the European Bowhunters Federation (EBF). Juha, as Hunter of the Year, was decorated with a wolf fur coat, a fox hat and an old fashioned rucksack (made of the skin of birch tree). Juha also recieved a fancy handmade leather rucksack-chair.
“This is good proof that in Finland, we bowhunters have reached the acceptance and respect of the hunting society, we are equal hunters” said Juha. Bohning is proud to have such high caliber bowhunters like Juha as a member of our Pro Hunting Staff.
- Honorary President of Finnish Bowhunting association. President of FBA for 12 years.
- Master instructor, IBEP (International Bowhunter Education Program) for 17 years. * Vice-president EBF (European Bowhunting Federation) since the EBF was established in 2003.
- President, CIC (International Council for Game and Wildlife conservation) Working Group Bowhunting.
- Various educational tasks in game management & hunting organiza- tions.
- Publications
- Bowhunting Guidebook – “An Introduction to Modern Bowhunting” – in Finnish only.
- Hunter’s Guidebook, the mandatory hunter education book in Finland / Bowhunting chapter.
- Articles in Finnish “JÄkkÄrÄ” magazine (bowhunter).
- Multiple articles in “Gun & Hunting” (Ase & ErÄ) magazine in Finland.
- 5 articles (5-6 pages each) in the Governmental magazine “Hunter” (MetsÄstÄjÄ) – over 300,000 readers.
- Multiple articles in Hunters’ Association magazine “Hunt” (Jahti).
- Special Bowhunting reports (technical & hunting stories from all over the globe) in “Outdoors” (Maastossa) magazine 2004 -2007; 2-3 articles in each issue.
- A few articles in the “bowhunter” magazine (BÅgjÄgaren) of Sweden.
- Two articles in the SCI newspaper of Russia.
- A seven page article in a Russian OXOTA hunting magazine 2011.
- Permanent Bowhunting columnist in “Game” (Riista) magazine since 2007.
- Various articles on Bowhunting Web Sites in Finland / Europe and US. TV & Radio & interviews in newspapers etc.
- Interviews in various newspapers and magazines.
- Various radio interviews.
- Various TV programs in Finland, bowhunting and bowfishing.
- Twice on German TV / bowfishing. Pro Staff deals *Bohning Pro Hunting Staff member since the fall 2007.
- Robinhood Video Productions Inc. (B. Pellerite) Staff shooter.
- Hoyt / Scandinavian Bowhunting Staff shooter. Bowhunting experience
- 30 years of bowhunting experience
- Big game bowhunts – Alaska, Australia, Africa, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Russia, Poland, Hungary, Florida, Missouri, Arkansas, California, Ontario, Alberta.
- Taken hundreds of game animals with bow and arrow all over the world including whitetail deer, fallow deer, roe deer, axis deer, red deer, bear, hog, buffalo, scrub bull, goat, alligator, African plains game, predators, game birds, hare, beaver and fish. Target archery Won multiple 3D / Bowhunting class competitions in Finland. Also the first Finnish Bowhunter Cup champion. Education Master of health care science.
Juha speaks Finnish, Swedish and English and has been the Director of a private institution for juvenile delinquents for the past 23 years. He and his wife, llona have 4 children.