Six New Maine Game Wardens Sworn In
Six new Maine Game Wardens have been sworn in today to join the ranks of the Maine Warden Service.
Taking the oath of their office from Commissioner Chandler Woodcock were:
Warden Lucas Bellanceau Porter, ME
Warden Will Shuman Waldoboro, ME
Warden Chris Sargent Ellsworth, ME
Warden Evan Ackley Marshfield, ME
Warden Carleton Richardson North Waterboro, ME
Warden Chris Roy Buxton, ME
All six will now undergo 9 weeks of training with individual Field Training Officers while awaiting assignment to a District. They will then undergo 12 weeks of Advanced Warden School before joining their Districts full time.
Colonel Joel Wilkinson, head of the Maine Warden Service, says: “All six of these officers are a welcome addition to the Maine Warden Service, and I know they will carry on the fine traditions that are part of being a Maine Game Warden.”