Northwest Region Selects Delegates for Colorado’s Sportsmen’s Roundtable
OutdoorHub 02.22.13
During a spirited Regional Sportsmen’s Caucus Wednesday evening, sportsmen from northwest Colorado discussed various issues with Colorado Parks and Wildlife managers from across the region. In addition, the attendees elected two delegates to represent their concerns at the statewide Sportsmen’s Roundtable in Denver next month.
The two top vote getters, Grand Junction residents Kenny Marcella and Jim Spehar, will serve as northwest region delegates and Brandon Siegfried will serve as the alternate.
During the bi-annual Sportsmen’s Roundtable meetings, 16 selected members and two delegates from each region will have an opportunity to gather with wildlife officials – including Director Rick Cables and Regional Managers- and participate in face-to-face discussions about issues important to Colorado’s hunters and anglers.
Northwest region sportsmen are encouraged to contact their delegates with issues they would like to have addressed at the Sportsmen’s Roundtable.
Marcella can be reached at 970-523-1479, or at, and Spehar at 970-260-0484, or at