Turner Man Sentenced for Wildlife Crimes in Maine


Turner Man Sentenced for Wildlife Crimes in Maine

Everett “Tyler” Leonard, 33, of Turner was sentenced yesterday in Androscoggin County Superior Court for his role in killing deer illegally during the fall of 2010.

On December 11, 2012 Leonard plead guilty to 12 criminal counts including one Felony for Possession of Scheduled W Drugs, five counts of Hunting After Revocation (Class D), four counts of Night Hunting (Class D), one count of Driving Deer (Class E) and one count of Molesting Wildlife (Class E). Today, Justice Kennedy ordered Leonard to serve nine months of a 14-month jail sentence, two years’ probation, and pay $13,850.00 in fines and surcharges. Leonard was also ordered to forfeit five firearms and a bow and arrow.

Maine Game Warden Lieutenant Dan Scott described Leonard as an intentional fish and game violator who displayed a complete disregard for Maine’s hunting laws. His propensity to commit violations continued even after Leonard was apprehended in the past, served jail time, paid fines, and lost his hunting privileges. Leonard’s activities had no jurisdictional boundaries in that he committed similar serious violations during his hunting trips to Pennsylvania.

Lieutenant Scott credited the success of the case to the Maine Game Wardens and Game Warden Investigators assigned to the investigation. He noted their teamwork, professional investigation skills, and detailed reporting were instrumental in this case. Additionally Scott commented on the outstanding efforts of Androscoggin County Assistant District Attorney Andrew Matulis. The outcome was a direct result of the time and energy he devoted to this important case.

Case overview:

During the summer of 2010, the Maine Warden Service received information that Everett “Tyler” Leonard and E.H. “Lenny” Leonard (Tyler’s father) were involved in the killing of several deer over the legal limit. A special investigation was initiated and information regarding the illegal killing of deer was confirmed. The investigation continued for more than four months during which time the Warden Service detected nearly 150 violations of Maine’s hunting laws.

During the course of the investigation, Maine wardens learned that the Leonard’s participated in similar illegal activities when they travelled to Pennsylvania to hunt. Maine wardens contacted the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) and a joint investigation ensued. With the assistance of a Maine Game Warden, the PGC Conservation Officers also documented hundreds of violations by the suspects during the months of October and December in Armenia Township, Pennsylvania.

In January 2011, the Maine Warden Service, Pennsylvania Game Commission, and the United States Fish & Wildlife Service executed five search warrants at the Leonard residence and of their associates in both Androscoggin and Kennebec Counties. During the execution of the warrants, game wardens seized firearms, deer meat, antlers, bows, arrows, ammunition, a hawk, owls, a computer, documents, and other hunting-related equipment. Tyler Leonard, 33 and his father “Lenny” were both arrested during the execution of the warrants. Other defendants received summonses. Both were charged with a number of violations in Maine and Pennsylvania.

The Leonards’ were initially prosecuted in Pennsylvania where E.H. “Lenny” Leonard plead guilty to 17 violations ranging from felonies to misdemeanor and summaries (civil violations). “Lenny” paid $2,300.00 in fines and served 15 days in a Pennsylvania jail. Tyler Leonard plead guilty to 25 violations ranging from felonies to misdemeanors and summaries (civil violations). He paid over $3,500.00 in fines and served 105 days in a Pennsylvania jail.

Back in Maine, on September 11, 2012 E.H. “Lenny” Leonard plead guilty to two counts of “Driving Deer” (Class E crime) one count of “Unlawful Furnishing of Drugs” (Class C felony). On November 28, 2012 E.H. “Lenny” Leonard was sentenced to three years in jail (all suspended), ordered to pay a $2,400.00 fines and serve two years’ probation.

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Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife protecting preserving, and enhancing Maine's natural resources, quality of place and economic future.

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