Motors may be Attached but Not Used When Fishing Washington’s Washburn Island Pond
OutdoorHub 03.31.13
ACTION: Internal combustion motors may be attached to floating devices, but may not be used when fishing on Washburn Island Pond in Okanogan County.
SPECIES AFFECTED: All game fish.
FISHING AREA LOCATION AND EFFECTIVE DATES: Washburn Island Pond (Okanogan County) from April 1, 2013 until further notice.
REASON FOR CHANGE: On March 3, 2013, the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission approved sport-fishing rule proposal #7, which allows internal combustion motors to be attached to floating devices on Washburn Island Pond, beginning April 1, 2013. However, anglers on the pond may not operate internal combustion motors that are attached to floating devices when the anglers are fishing on the pond. This emergency rule allows the implementation of sport-fishing rule proposal #7 until the permanent rule takes effect.
Information contacts: Jeff Korth, Region 2 Fish Program Manager (Ephrata), (509) 754-4624, Bob Jateff, District 6 Fish Biologist (Methow, Okanogan), (509) 997-0316