Video: Monster Turkey Trashes House
OutdoorHub Reporters 09.11.13
How much damage can one turkey do? Well, for New Jersey resident Marie Manco, the damage added up to over $6,000. According to CBC 2, the grandmother was home alone when the bird crashed through a second-story window and proceeded to do everything within its power to level Manco’s home.
“A wild turkey came through my skylight and it’s flying around my house right now destroying everything,” Manco told police. “I’m in my bedroom, but I’m afraid to come out.”
Officers arrived at the house to find feathers and feces everywhere, as well as damage to the walls and three broken windows.
“The head reached up to my hip. One of the biggest turkeys I’ve ever seen,” said officer Mark Ehrenburg.
Officials believe the turkey entered the home when it mistook its reflection in the window for a rival male.