Video: Dog Standing on Super-clear Montana Ice


Video: Dog Standing on Super-clear Montana Ice

No, that dog isn’t floating on water, it just happened to be super-clear ice. This angler and his canine buddy decided to head out to Montana’s Deadman’s Basin for some salmon fishing, but found that a thin, two-inch layer of ice covered the water. The water was clear as glass, making it quite a spectacle.

“The water froze fast enough to be crystal clear (although only 2.5 inches thick). We could see the salmon, but they could see us too,” the video’s uploader wrote on YouTube.

The man-made reservoir may not be too big, but it is known for its excellent stock of rainbow trout, brown trout, and muskie. Ice fishing on reservoir is popular during winter months, but the ice may need a little more thickening before anglers unpack their augers just yet.

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