Video: Florida Duck Hunter Helps Rescue Sawfish with Rope Around its Head
OutdoorHub Reporters 01.24.18
A man in Florida was out duck hunting recently, when he discovered a sawfish that was in a bit of trouble. He made some phone calls to figure out what should be done, and documented the rescue on his Facebook page.
The post reads: “Here’s the video and some pics of the sawfish from earlier. Definitely made for an interesting Duck Hunt. Got an update on her from a local guide. She’s doing good.” It included photos and video showing Florida Wildlife Commission officers assisting in setting the big sawfish free. (Be sure to turn up the volume for best viewing.)
And here’s the video that shows an officer cutting the rope that was around the base of the fish’s head:
Here’s the full post with more photos:
Good work, Jason. It’s a good thing you went duck hunting this morning, and noticed this awesome creature was in trouble. Even better that you were able to help, and send her back on her way. Good stuff!