Illinois Passes Law Allowing Hunting Education Courses in School Curriculum
OutdoorHub Reporters 08.01.19
Law makers in Illinois passed a new bipartisan measure allowing school districts the option to teach hunters safety courses along with the daily curriculum.
This new piece of legislation, which was immediately put into effect, aims to increase safety and awareness for youngsters who want to learn how to hunt and handle firearms.
According to Fox News, Democratic state Rep. Monica Bristow said, “hunting in Illinois is still very popular, and students can learn about hunting as a sport. Hunters have respect for guns,” she stated, emphasizing how there was no opposition to the legislation. “If people have to do the education to obtain a hunting license anyway, why not be able to do this in school?”
Bristow also highlighted the fact there is no minimum age for obtaining the license, and no guns nor ammo will be brought to the schools.
According to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources Safety Education Division, participants in the course also learn responsibility and ethics when it comes to outdoor recreation, first aid, wildlife conservation and bowhunting.