Ohio Youth Earns Top Honors in NRA Basic Pistol Course
NRAblog 02.07.12
There are many reason why you should learn how to handle a firearm; to feed your family through hunting, to protect your home or to challenge yourself with courses like the Winchester Marksmanship Program. No matter what the reason, the first thing you have to do is figure out what course is right for you.
In Ohio, there’s one 12 year old girl who figured out what was right for her. Luckily enough, she had an uncle there to guide her way. And he was nice enough to send us a note about the class:
In a recent NRA Basic Pistol/Ohio Concealed Carry course I held, I was asked by my niece if she could attend a small portion of the class to learn the safety portion of the days instruction. Courteney is 12 years old, a member of the NRA and very interested and active in shooting. Her father, my older brother Mark, is a very avid and knowledgeable shooter and NRA member who attends nearly all of my classes as another set of hands and information.
I was very happily surprised that after nearly 13 hours of attending the “entire” NRA Basic Pistol / Ohio Concealed Carry Course, my niece had proved to be not only the safest and most attentive student in the group, but the most proficient. My class is fairly tactical during the range portion, scenario driven and the adult students were amazed at her skill, knowledge and attitude.
The NRA message and training is getting to people.
Proud Uncle,
Matt Cush
NRA Certified Instructor
If you’d like to be like Courteney, go to www.nrainstructors.org, pick a course, throw in your zip code and find a class near you. With enough practice, you might even be able to give Courteney a run for her money.