“Talk to an Expert” Launches on Facebook Feb. 9 With Indiana Conservation Officers
OutdoorHub 02.07.12
Facebook followers of the Indiana DNR can “talk” online with different people from the Department of Natural Resources once a month, during a new program starting Feb. 9.
The “Talk to an Expert” series features DNR experts on scheduled topics for one hour a month on the DNR Facebook page. Topics and experts will change every 3-4 weeks. The series is an opportunity to ask DNR personnel questions. Those who don’t have a specific question will have the chance to learn from others or clear up misconceptions.
The first program on Feb. 9, from 2 to 3 p.m., will feature two conservation officers: Lt.William Browne (public relations) and Lt. Larry Morrison (outdoor education). These conservation officers will answer questions about DNR conservation laws.
Future topics, instructions on how to join a conversation on Facebook and commenting guidelines are posted at dnr.IN.gov/7315.htm.
To join in the chats, go to the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Facebook wall, facebook.com/INdnr, and click “like” (if you are not already a “friend”). You may begin typing in questions during the hour and the DNR experts will answer questions as time allows