Celebrate ‘Take a Friend Snowmobiling Week’ With Safety and Savings


Celebrate ‘Take a Friend Snowmobiling Week’ With Safety and Savings

Between February 11th and 20th, snowmobilers across the U.S. and Canada will celebrate ‘Take a Friend Snowmobiling Week’. SNOWMOBILEcourse.com, North America’s leading provider of online snowmobile safety education, wishes new and experienced riders a week of fun and safe riding and is offering a special discount on its online course to encourage new snowmobilers to get the proper training before heading out on the trails.

Started by GoSnowmobling.org, ‘Take a Friend Snowmobiling Week’ encourages avid snowmobilers to share their passion for snowmobiling with friends and family who may have never tried the activity. GoSnowmobiling.org points to customer research that shows non-riders know very little about the sport, but most are eager to try it out.

Snowmobile.org suggests the following guidelines for introducing snowmobiling to a new rider:

  • Take a safety course – go over safe snowmobiling operation with your friend before taking them out on the trail.
  • Dress properly – be sure your friend is properly dressed for the weather so they can fully enjoy the experience.
  • Ride with caution – be sure to ride slowly and carefully when you take out a new rider.
  • Make frequent stops – let a new rider warm up with frequent stops to enjoy the scenery and a rest for a snack or hot chocolate. Try to keep their first ride short and sweet.

Says Kerry Moher, of SNOWMOBILEcourse.com, “There’s no better way to be introduced to an activity like snowmobiling than by a friend who is a passionate and knowledgeable enthusiast. But for a week like this to be a success, we need to make sure that new and experienced riders stay safe. Taking our course is one great way for new riders to prepare for the event.”

Riders will receive a $5 discount on SNOWMOBILEcourse.com by entering the code “SNOWTAKE” when they register for the course.

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Fresh Air Educators is North America’s leading provider of online outdoor education. Fresh Air Educators offers boater, hunter, ATV, and snowmobile safety courses through BOATERexam.com, HUNTERcourse.com, ATVcourse.com, and SNOWMOBILEcourse.com.

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