This Week on Student of the Gun: Ballistic Problem Solving, Use of Force, and the S.T.A.R Precision Rifle
Student of the Gun 12.04.12
When it comes to personal defense, owning a gun is just part of the equation, you need to be able to THINK with a gun in your hand. During Ballistic Problem Solving we focus on that very topic, thinking, or problem solving, with a gun in hand.
Not every personal defense problem can or should be solved with a firearm. Every armed citizen needs to have options for dealing with violent or potentially violent situations. OC or “pepper spray” is a valid and effective use of force option where a firearm would be inappropriate. During this episode we don’t just talk about it. We show you a live OC exposure.
Previously we introduced you to Charlie Sisk and the S.T.A.R. This week we are in the Sisk Rifles shop and out at the range to take a serious look at what make the “Sisk Tactical Adaptive Rifle” the most unique and adaptive rifle/stock combination available anywhere.