Pattern Your Turkeys with the PlotWatcher Pro
OutdoorHub 02.24.13
When there is turkey sign everywhere you look, but you can’t get a glimpse of that old tom, it’s time to get serious. Before you pull out the shotgun or bow, bring out the big guns in camera technology, the PlotWatcher Pro. This time-lapse video camera will reveal to you the best places to set up for that big gobbler throughout the day. A wise hunter knows that sign is fine, but seeing is believing.
Consider these tips for using your PlotWatcher Pro to scout for turkeys.
- Position your PlotWatcher Pro high enough so you can see where the turkeys enter and leave the field. You should be able to pick up a huntable pattern over a week or two if the turkeys are not too pressured.
- If you’re getting footage of turkeys in the evenings and never in the morning, the turkeys are most likely using the immediate area for roosting and not for feeding. Keep in mind that turkeys prefer mature trees with a good supply of horizontal limbs for roosting.
- Consider placing a PlotWatcher Pro in an area containing red and white oaks. In addition to insects, grasses and seeds, turkeys love acorns and will forage in areas where acorns are plentiful.
- You can also place a PlotWatcher Pro on the edge of a field that contains clover. Clover fields are not only another prime foraging area, but they also draw in strutting gobblers.
Using your knowledge of the terrain and with a little help from the PlotWatcher Pro, you’ll have that old gobbler pegged in no time.
With 40 times the battery life of other trail cameras, the PlotWatcher Pro will last up to four months on a single set of 8 AA batteries. The PlotWacher Pro can record up to 1 million images, saving them directly to video format with Tru-Video™,making it hassle-free to review your files. Temperature and moon phase info are shown on each image, and the SD card storage can save all video files. While using the GameFinder software with MotionSearch included, you can review hours of video fast and easily find frames in which movement is detected.
This season, mount a few PlotWatcher Pros in your favorite locations, and get ready to sign your turkey tag.