This Week on Gun Girl Radio – Our Favorite Shooting Sports: Bianchi
OutdoorHub 04.23.13
This week on Gun Girl Radio, Randi Rogers and Julie Golob finalize their favorite shooting sports series with a discussion on Bianchi, or as it’s sometimes referred to, NRA Action shooting. The ladies give us a brief history of where Bianchi came from and how it started. They give us a brief overview of how the competition is set up and how it’s different from other shooting competitions. A big difference is that once you use your shots, you’re out. There aren’t second chances.
The women take us through the 4 different stages of this competition. We are given their opinions about each event and they let us know which ones they think are harder or easier including what kind of distractions there are from everywhere. They go on to tell us how to find matches in our area. Also briefly commented on is their international shooting with this competition. We hear of their favorite shooting moments as well. Email your own questions to Listen to the entire episode at or subscribe to the show on iTunes.