Guess Where You Can See These Pronghorn for a Chance to Win a Pair of Binoculars
OutdoorHub 05.07.13
Leupold & Stevens Inc. is a new sponsor of Northwestern Outdoors Radio and we are celebrating the partnership by giving away a pair of Cascades BX-2 binoculars every month for the rest of the year. The Cascades binoculars are lightweight, waterproof, and allow the user to get a clear, crisp view of birds and game in the field.
If you want a chance to win a pair your first step is to visit Leupold Optics and Northwestern Outdoors Radio on Facebook and “like” both pages. After that take a look where the photo of these pronghorn is posted on the Northwestern Outdoors Radio Facebook Page and guess where it was taken in the Northwest. Everyone who guesses correctly will be entered for a chance to win a pair of Cascades BX-2 Binoculars valued at over $300. We will draw a winner on June 1st and then start the contest again for another monthly giveaway! Monthly giveaways of these binoculars will continue through December 1st.