Student of the Gun Joins the Hunt Channel TV Lineup
Student of the Gun 07.09.13
Paul Markel, host and producer of Student of the Gun TV and Radio is pleased to announce a new partnership with the Hunt Channel TV on Angel Two (ANGL2) Network Dish Channel 266. The fourth season of Student of the Gun TV will air on Sunday July 14, 2013 at 7 p.m. EST. The SOTG will maintain a strong presence online, through iTunes and numerous other media outlets.
This new partnership will allow viewers and fans even greater access to all of the SOTG material to include video, audio, and written work. A genuine brand in firearms related entertainment and education, Student of the Gun can now be accessed from the comfort of your living room, in your office, at the gym and on the go.
Being a Student of the Gun is not about being a novice or beginner. Student of the Gun represents a life’s journey of education, enlightenment and the enjoyment of firearms. Each episode will introduce the viewer to new and interesting firearms as well as the latest gear to go along with them.
We will travel throughout the United States seeking the advice and expertise of the best firearms trainers available. Sometimes deadly serious, sometimes just for fun, Student of the Gun will always strive to educate and entertain their viewers while offering them an insiders’ look at the worlds of firearms.
Watch the show weekly on Angle Two (ANGL2) Network on Dish Channel 266, view 24/7 on demand via your mobile device or listen to SOTG Radio at or iTunes.