Oregon’s All-depth Halibut Fishing on the Central Coast Ends
OutdoorHub 08.09.13
Excellent halibut fishing allowed anglers to catch the remaining Pacific halibut quota, ending the central coast halibut fishing season.
Fishery managers determined this week that the quota was reached for the area between Cape Falcon just north of Manzanita to Humbug Mountain near Port Orford. It is the most popular halibut fishery among Oregonians.
“Good weather and a hot bite made halibut fishing in the central coast area excellent all year,” said Lynn Mattes, ODFW’s project leader for halibut. “Calm seas on the summer all-depth days provided anglers with the opportunity to fish, and many people got their halibut.”
Anglers may still fish for Pacific halibut in the Columbia River Area or south of Humbug Mountain.
The Columbia River fishery (from Leadbetter Point, Wash., to Cape Falcon, Ore.) is open on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays until Sept. 30, or until the combined spring and summer quota of 11,895 pounds is harvested, whichever comes first.
South of Humbug Mountain the season is open seven days a week through Oct. 31.