Montana Wildlife Management Areas Set to Close for the Season
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks 12.02.13
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks would like to remind recreationists that most Region 3 Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) – those managed as big game winter range – will close to all public entry at 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 1.
In Region 3, there is one exception to the winter closure noted above. A portion of Mount Haggin WMA is open to cross-country snowmobile use from Dec. 2 to May 15 (see the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest travel map for details).
WMAs not managed specifically for big game winter range (such as waterfowl and wetlands) remain open for public use year-round. Those WMAs include Canyon Ferry, Lake Helena, and Silver Gate.
The WMAs closed for the winter season will reopen at noon on May 15, 2014.