Don’t Limit VOLUNTARY Conservation Easements in South Dakota
Pheasants Forever 02.07.14
The South Dakota House of Representatives will be considering a bill on Monday that would eliminate a landowner’s right to VOLUNTARILY enroll in long term conservation easements on their own property. This bill is known as HB 1083.
As you know, South Dakota is experiencing massive declines in wildlife habitat, particularly grasslands and wetlands. These habitat losses are resulting in the degradation of South Dakota’s water quality, a deterioration of soil resources and a decline in South Dakota’s wildlife populations, particularly our cherished ring-necked pheasant.
In light of these environmental concerns, Pheasants Forever views conservation easements as a valuable tool in maintaining and restoring South Dakota’s critical grassland and wetland habitats. Any changes to the state’s conservation easement policy leading to the limitation of their duration, or to negative tax implications for landowners, would significantly limit our ability to protect critical acres for soil, water and wildlife.
Pheasants Forever opposes South Dakota House Bill 1083 (HB 1083). Please take the time to call or send your elected South Dakota representative a message in opposition of limiting VOLUNTARY conservation easements.
Mike Stephenson