Migratory Bird Conservation Commission Approves $61 Million to Conserve North American Wetlands; $6.5 Million to Midwest Projects


Migratory Bird Conservation Commission Approves $61 Million to Conserve North American Wetlands; $6.5 Million to Midwest Projects

On March 26, the Migratory Bird Conservation Commission approved $61.3 million in funding to protect, restore and enhance more than 205,000 acres of wetlands and associated uplands in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Of that, approximately $6.5 million will go toward projects in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Midwest Region.

“Conservation of our nation’s wetlands is critical to protecting our wildlife, watersheds, coastal communities and important economic activities,” said Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell, Chair of the Commission. “Wetlands not only are home to hundreds of species of migratory birds, but they also provide us with clean water, act as buffers against storms, support our vibrant coastal fishing industries, and provide unique opportunities for outdoor recreation.”

The commission approved $54.7 million in grants through the North American Wetlands Conservation Act to protect, restore and enhance 200,069 acres of habitat for migratory birds in the United States, Mexico and Canada, leveraging an additional $92.6 million in matching funds. This includes 24 Midwest Region projects for a total of $6.5 million and matching funds of $15 million.

The commission also approved nearly $6.6 million for fee and easement land acquisitions of 5,072 acres on five national wildlife refuges. The funds were raised largely through the sale of Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamps, commonly known as “Duck Stamps.”

“These grants are critical to maintaining the health and vitality of America’s wetlands and the abundance and variety of wildlife they support,” said Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe. “Wetlands are particularly crucial to migratory birds all along their flyways. These grants will enable our partners in Canada, Mexico and the United States to protect and improve the quality of these habitats.”
The North American Wetlands Conservation Act is the only federal grants program dedicated to the conservation of wetland habitats for migratory birds. Since 1990, approximately 5,000 partners in more than 2,000 projects have received more than $1.2 billion in grants. The grants have leveraged another $2.6 billion in matching funds to help improve more than 27 million acres of habitat.

More information about the NAWCA standard grants nationwide is available at: http://www.fws.gov/birdhabitat/Grants/NAWCA/Standard/US/2014_March.shtm

NAWCA Standard Grant Awards: (5 projects totaling $5 million, $11 million matching funds)

Patoka River NWR Expansion – $1 million ($2.1 million matching)

This project focuses on wetland and upland habitat protection, restoration and enhancement within Patoka River National Wildlife Refuge.  Project activities will provide important migration, wintering and breeding areas for waterfowl, benefit rare and endangered species of wildlife and fish associated with large river ecosystems, improve water quality, and help stimulate local economies through recreation on project lands.

Michigan Upper Peninsula Coastal Wetland Project III – $1 million ($2.1 million matching)

This project targets habitat gaps and addresses specific habitat management limitations to maintain long-term management at the two most productive examples of intensively managed wetland complexes in the Upper Peninsula.  Partners will protect 2,272 acres and enhance 1,455 acres, including 2,143 acres of wetlands.  This project will also secure approximately 13 miles of riparian waterways and protect an additional 8 miles of migration and breeding habitats along beaches, lakeshores, islands and Great Lakes shorelines

Michigan and Wisconsin 
Door to Garden Peninsula Coastal – $1 million ($3.4 million matching)

This project begins a multi-year initiative to protect, restore and enhance coastal wetlands and associated upland habitats in the Lake Michigan Basin, from the northern tip of the Door Peninsula of Wisconsin to the Garden Peninsula of Michigan. Partners will protect 1,319 acres through fee title acquisition and enhance 553 acres by removing non-native vegetation. Activities will occur within a significant bird migration corridor, near- and off- shore waterfowl overwintering area, and high quality Great Lakes coastal wetlands that provide stopover areas for many migrant landbirds, waterbirds, waterfowl and shorebirds.

Border Prairie Wetlands III – $1 million ($2.3 million matching)

This project brings partners together to accelerate protection and restoration of prairie wetlands and associated wildlife in the Prairie Pothole Region. Partners will protect 338 acres of wetlands and 995 acres of adjacent uplands critical for nesting waterfowl and other wildlife.  By protecting those acres and restoring 44 acres of wetlands and 250 acres of uplands on permanently protected lands, partners will optimize waterfowl production and enhance grassland bird habitats, benefitting species such as mallards, teal, American wigeon, northern shovelers and other waterfowl and water-dependent birds.

Minnesota and North Dakota
Glaciated Wetlands and Prairies of North Dakota and Minnesota – IV – $1 million ($1.1 million matching)

This is phase four of a project designed to protect wetland and grassland communities using a landscape-level approach to planning.  It is also the third project to span the borders of North Dakota and Minnesota in the Prairie Pothole Joint Venture to protect critical habitat for migratory birds.  Through this project, 3,456 acres of native grassland and 594 acres of wetland habitat will be secured by perpetual easements, resulting in significant benefits for grassland birds.  Protection of native prairie surrounding the important prairie wetland habitats in the project area will provide nesting habitat for waterfowl and other species, and will minimize the influx of sediments, herbicides and pesticides into these wetlands.

Small Grant Awards: (19 projects totaling $1,514,988 and $4,124,810 in matching funds )

For detailed information about NAWCA small grant projects nationwide, visit  http://www.fws.gov/birdhabitat/Grants/NAWCA/Small/2014.shtm


  • Oak Ridge Wetland Restoration at Hennepin & Hopper Lakes  – $50,000 ($76,000 matching)


  • Arcadia Marsh Expansion Project – $69,791 ($104,000 matching)


  • Detroit Lakes, WPA – $75,000 ($88 000 matching)
  • Glacial Ridge National Wildlife Refuge Lee Wetland Restoration 2013 – $75,000 ($300,000 matching)
  • Glacial Ridge National Wildlife Refuge Wetland Enhancements 2013 – $75,000 ($153,537 matching)
  • Litchfield Wetland Management District Waterfowl Production Area Enhancement – $75,000 ($77,000 matching)
  • Whitney Waterfowl Production Area Addition – $55,425 ($55,425 matching)
  • Mud Lake Waterfowl Production Area Addition – $75,000 ($177,500 matching)
  • Selk Wildlife Management Area Addition – $75,000 ($86,000 matching)
  • Swift County Wetland Conservation – $75,000 ($228,000 matching)
  • Tiger Marsh Wildlife Management Area Addition – $75,000 ($757,500 matching)


  • Big Darby Creek Corridor Protection – $75,000 ($75,000 matching)
  • Burton Swamp Project – $75,000 ($419,500 matching)
  • Eagle Creek Wetlands Project – $75,000 ($426,000 matching)


  • Dobbs Landing Land Acquisition – $75,000 ($175,00 matching)
  • H&L Farms Acquisition – $75,000 ($746,100 matching)
  • Sylvan Road Conservation Area – $75,000 ($171,000 matching)
  • Star Prairie Wetlands – $75,000 ($77,855 matching)
  • Southern WI State Natural Area – $75,000 ($82,000 matching)
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