This Week on The Revolution – Spring Turkey Hunting Tips
OutdoorHub 04.16.14
This Week on The Revolution; Jim and Trav are in pursuit of the wild turkey this week! Join the boys and guests Ray Eye, Tom Carpenter, Andrew McKean, Michael Hunsucker and others for spring tips. Find out what seven of the best days are for turkey hunting this season, pinpoint the perfect roosting sites, tips on how to take down the King Gobbler and much more! Tune in this week!
Michael Hunsucker
Avid bowhunter Michael Hunsucker talks with Jim and Trav this week about his tips for hunting spring turkey with a bow. He’ll fill us in on the advantages of expandable broadheads and the expansive wound channel they create, using pop-up blinds and more. Michael Hunsucker is host of Heartland Bowhunter appearing on Outdoor Channel, Mondays at 9:00 p.m.
Insect Shield
Insect Shield Repellant Apparel and Gear is designed to provide long lasting and effective personal insect protection. Janine Robertson from Insect Shield joins Jim and Trav to talk about what Insect Shield is, what insects it repels, how long the protection lasts, the different products they offer and more.
Ray Eye
Ray Eye is a legendary hunter and is considered by many to be the foremost turkey hunting authority in the business. So this week Jim and Trav sit down to talk to with Ray about his top ten tips for turkey hunting success. From locating birds to effective calling, roosting to hunting pressure, and guns and loads he has must have advice. Tune In!
Tom Carpenter
Outdoor writer Tom Carpenter knows that turkey hunting is as much about your timing as it is about your technique. He talks with Jim and Trav about 7 of the best days to hunt spring turkey this season. He’ll break down the ideal time for pursuing turkeys based on the ever changing spring weather conditions.