Service Realigns Three Ecological Services Offices in California and Nevada
OutdoorHub 06.10.14
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Pacific Southwest Region is realigning three of its Ecological Services offices – Palm Springs, Ventura, and Nevada – effective June 2014.
“Adjusting the boundaries of these offices will benefit local communities, Tribes and other government agencies and will better align our offices working on high-profile species conservation issues, including bi-state sage grouse and desert tortoise,” said Ren Lohoefener, Regional Director.
The Palm Springs Fish and Wildlife Office will now include all of Imperial, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties, and the desert portions of Inyo, Los Angeles, and Kern counties.
The Nevada Fish and Wildlife Office, located in Reno, Nevada, will expand its area of responsibility to portions of Inyo and Mono counties, including Inyo National Forest and the Owens Valley.
The Ventura Fish and Wildlife Office will focus on conservation issues from Santa Cruz County south to western Los Angeles County.
Maps showing the revised geographic coverage areas for the Ventura, Palm Springs and Nevada Fish and Wildlife Offices available at: .
For more information about the boundary adjustments, please contact:
- Palm Springs Office – Ken Corey, Assistant Field Supervisor – 760-322-2070
- Nevada Office – Ted Koch, State Supervisor – 775-861-6311
- Ventura Office – Steve Henry, Field Supervisor – 805-644-1766