Hi Mountain Seasonings Launches New Website and Offers Limited-time Web-only Specials
Hi Mountain Seasonings 07.29.14
Hi Mountain Seasonings, the premier manufacturer of kits for homemade jerky and sausage, has announced the launch of its newly designed website that will provide customers with a more engaging and informative experience.
The new website consists of a new base e-commerce framework, including a complete set of layouts that are completely mobile friendly. The responsive layouts perform perfectly with desktop versions, and interact with touch functions for tablet and smartphone platforms. They have many styled AJAX-based effects and functionalities, various instructional and entertaining embedded video from a new Vimeo account, custom fonts and clean HTML5 and CSS3 coding to offer visitors a new, modern and fast entryway to Hi Mountain Seasonings products.
To promote the launch of the new website, Hi Mountain Seasonings is offering a web-only special: buy any two Jerky Making kits and get one free. This promotion will last until Aug. 31st , when a new web-only special will start. Be sure to check back regularly for these great web specials.
“As people are relying on their phones and tablets to research and buy what they need from wherever they happen to be, the Hi Mountain Seasonings website must provide tap-on-demand access to those products,” said Hans Hummel, Hi Mountain president. “Our website is often the first thing people see when they go looking for information on our products. We want to make sure their experience with our website is absolutely intuitive and seamless, no matter what device they use to access our site. It has been our goal to provide our customers with a fresh, updated look that is technologically friendly, inviting and engaging. I believe we have accomplished that.”
The new Hi Mountain Seasonings website was designed and is maintained by Upperhouse, a web and visual design company based in Denver, Colo., www.upperhouse.us.
Hi Mountain’s entire line of products, cooking tips, instructional videos, and recipes are also available at www.himtnjerky.com, and the products can be found at high-quality sporting goods stores, farm and ranch stores and many local grocery stores