Catskill Fly Fishing Center to Induct Four Into Flyfishing HOF
OutdoorHub 08.26.14
At a reception and ceremony on October 11, 2014 at the Catskill Fly Fishing Museum Bob Popovics, Paul Schullery, Joseph Bates, Jr. and R.B. Marston will be inducted into the Flyfishing Hall of Fame.
A Recognition Dinner for inductees and the award of the Lee Wulff Conservation Award to John Waldron will be held at 5:30PM in the Wulff Gallery adjacent to the museum.
Paul Schullery – A scholar in nature and history, Paul has challenged his interests and energies into one of the most recognized authors on flyfishing histo- ry and the nature writing. Paul was the Executive Di- rector of the American Fly Fishing Museum from 1977 -1982, before moving to Livingston, MT where he worked as an independent researcher and writer. His first book published in 1976, Old Yellowstone Days, opened the door to many, followed by his latest the Fishing Life: An Angler’s Tales of Wild Rivers and Other Restless Metaphors in 2013. One title immedi- ately comes to mind is American Fly Fishing: A Histo- ry published in 1987.
Col. Joseph Bates, Jr. (D) – From his earliest book Spinning for American Game Fish in 1947 to the 1996 book entitled Fishing Atlantic Salmon: The Flies and Pat- terns, Joe will be remembered as one of the authoritative historians and authors of all time. His Streamer Fly Tying and Fishing together with Atlantic Salmon Flies and Fish- ing provides the fish, the flies, the inventors and tech- niques required to take both fresh and saltwater fish un- der the surface
Bob Popovics – Is considered one of the “Big Three” (Kreh, Clouser) for his innovations in flyfishing predominantly for saltwater fly fishing of today. It was Bob who initiated the ‘match the hatch’ mentality for saltwater pat- terns since the late 1970’s, after his mentoring by Poul Jorgensen. He was inducted into the Freshwater Hall of Fame in 1998, has been ac- tively involved with Striped Bass conservation initiatives. He is a world renowned leader and proponent of saltwater fly designs and con- cepts, author and spokesman.
R.B. Marston (D) – Best known as the editor of Eng- land’s Fishing Gazette in the late 1800’s to early 1920’s. It was Marston who introduced Theodore Gordon and the American fly fishing for trout to the world through Gordon’s writings and articles in the ‘Gazette’. Marston was also an author and editor of other fishing books of the time includ- ing publishing the 100th edition of The Compleat Angler or the Contemplative Man’s Recreation; the Lea and Dove edition, 1888. In this historical edition, Marston shares his personal interpretation, insights and observations on an- gling, making this a most collectible book. In his 1894 book, Walton and the Earlier Writers On Fish and Fishing, is a compilation of important writing from the philosophers who Marston felt contributed to the evolution of the art and culture of angling up to the late 1800’s. This book contin- ues to be a reference book for angling historians to this day. It should be noted that as editor of the Fishing Gazette, Maston’s contributions united the world of modern flyfishing.
The Lee Wulff Conservation Award:
The Lee Wulff Conservation Award was established by Joan Wulff in 2003 to recognize an individual who has made a significant contribution to the preservation of wild game fish and their habitat through protection of the waters, catch and release and/or education programs for youngsters.
The Lee Wulff Conservation Award is not an annual award. Since inception recipients have been: Philip Chase 2003; Gardner Grant 2004; Steven Sloan 2005; and Bob Boyle 2009.
For his dedication to the education and introduc- tion of thousands of students to flyfishing, John Waldron will be presented the Lee Wulff Conservation Award after the Fly Fishing Hall of Fame Dinner on Saturday, October 11, in the Wulff Gallery.
Over his past 36+ year involvement with The Brotherhood of the Junglecock, John has done it all. He started as a student, taught both flytying and flyfishing, served as officers and president in both the Pennsylvania and Parent Maryland Chapters and, with Stan Zattosky founded the NY Chapter of the Brotherhood of the Jungle Cock (BOJC) with their first campfire in 1997. After serving six years as NY/BOJC, John re- mains very active with the chapter overseeing program development, operations and manage- ment of the organization.
The Fly Fishing Hall of Fame was established in 1989 to recognize those who have made a significant contribution to fly fishing and located at the Catskill Fly Fishing Center in Livingston Manor, N. Y. All those honored are memorialized with an individual cast bronze plaque attached to the exterior of the Catskill Fly Fishing Museum.
Reception and installation ceremony is a no charge event. The following dinner is $65 per person and space is limited. Follow all information on Facebook and Catskill Fly Fishing Center information at For the past inductees, please visit the CFFCM webpage.
Contact: or call 845-439-4810