This Week on AR-15 Podcast – AR Vehicle Storage Options


This Week on AR-15 Podcast – AR Vehicle Storage Options

J.W. Ramp and Anthony Hardy take the reigns this week for episode 96 of the AR-15 Podcast. This week’s show is covers vehicle storage options to safely and properly transport everyone’s favorite black rifle. Transporting firearms carries a host of considerations to contemplate.

The first, and arguably the most important, is legality. The crew of the AR-15 Podcast exhort you to check federal, state, and local laws; everyone wants to stay on the right side of the law. Another consideration is additional scrutiny by law enforcement if you are stopped for whatever reason. Legal or not, carrying a rifle in your vehicle, particularly a loaded one, may  draw unwanted attention.

A close second in consideration is security. For those of us that find ourselves in need of a rifle, but perhaps also a lower profile than infantry in a vehicle, access is a priority..The balance between transport, low profile, and the ability to effectively deploy your weapon platform could be a concern for adventurers or law enforcement.

Hand in hand with security is concealability. For civilians not serving as contractors or LEO, transporting a loaded AR requires some stealth. What are some of the options out there beyond blacked out windows? Tune in to hear some of the gear and ideas out there to carry your rifle!

Brownells helps make the show possible. Shop Brownells for all of your AR parts and accessories. Listen to the entire episode at for the tip of the week and as always listener feedback. The hosts at the AR-15 Podcast, want to hear what you, the listener, think so be sure to tune in and let us know what you’d like to hear, what we’re doing right, and how we can improve!


Jake Challand
Firearms Radio Network

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