Freedom Munitions .308 Winchester and .40 S&W Ammunition


Freedom Munitions .308 Winchester and .40 S&W Ammunition

After having to wait through nearly the entire summer just to be able to use a firearm out-of-doors, Kansas was hit with a cold front. Although I nearly had to put on a parka to hold up to the frigid 88 degrees it was outside (as opposed to the 110 degrees we’ve had), I used this opportunity to my advantage and spent some quality range time with some ammunition produced by Freedom Munitions. Not only did I take this ammo to the range and try it out, being an avid reloader, I took a random sampling of rounds from each caliber and pulled the bullets to measure the cases and powder charge.

The results of this little experiment were none short of impressive. Out of five rounds of .308 Winchester, each case measured an almost identical weight and even more impressively, each powder charge was perfectly identical, as indicated by my Lyman balance beam. The results for .40 S&W were equivalent to the accuracy of the .308 rounds as well. Initially, I was not fully committed as a believer in remanufactured ammunitions or custom loaders, figuring that they were probably just an inexpensive way of getting some trigger time in. It may be needless to say, but now I am truly a believer in Freedom Munitions. The .308 loaded with a 168 grain A-max bullet kept ¾” groups at 100 yards, which is fantastic! Even the most scrutinizing of shooters would be more than pleased with groups like this. The best part is that Freedom Munitions charges roughly half of retail price for their ammo.

For under $20 a box, this stuff gets more appealing by the second! I also tried some of their pistol ammo. I shot 180 grain hollow points out of a Kimber .40 S&W. No one reading this needs to know what kind of groups I shot. We’ll just leave it at the fact that I’m sufficiently more capable with a rifle in my hands, and that shooting a pistol is a skill I have yet to master. I will note that I had a terrible amount of fun and it helps to be able to laugh at myself. There were no misfires or misfed rounds in the 60 rounds I fired. The gun and ammunition performed flawlessly…me, on the other hand, we’ll just say that I won’t be winning any trophies in the near future. Freedom Munitions: not only a great for the price, but quality exceeding much larger manufacturers!

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I'm 28, I own a horse farm in eastern Kansas, and am an avid big game hunter with bow, muzzle loader and rifle. From about age 16-25 I guided hunts all over the country, including working for outfitters in Alaska, Colorado and Kansas. Now that I have started a family, I stick closer to home instead of leaving for months at a time. I have hunted and taken the majority of the 27 big game species in North America and am looking forward to completing my super slam of North American game in the next 15 years or so. Many of the hunts I do are back pack hunts in the wild country with nothing but food, water and a weapon. Several times a year, I take my horses out on a rifle hunt for whitetails and deeply enjoy riding through the plains and filling my doe tags. Horse packing is one of the many skills I have developed in order to extend my hunting opportunities. For me, the less technology involved, the greater my sense of accomplishment afterwards. Technology has it's pace, but I appreciate the greater level of skill it takes to live on this earth without it. I write a blog called The Western Hunter. In that, I highlight aspects about hunting the Rocky Mountain States and give advice about trophy potential, tactics and especially the tools of the trade. My adventure seeking nature has driven me to all the corners of North America in pursuit of both adrenaline and game. Being the best drives me; always learning, always practicing for the moments that I can push myself to succeed where others fail. As a hunter this means that I will hunt harder, work harder and learn more, faster. This competitive nature in me has been a blessing to me and my family. Every day, I thank the Lord that He made me what I am. The apex predator on this earth.

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