ATA Guide To Exhibition Sponsorships
Archery Trade Association 06.15.11
The ATA Trade Show has generated a surge in sponsorship revenues the past few years. A recent blog, posted by Dave Lutz of Velvet Chainsaw consulting, reveals a transition and renewed emphasis on sponsorships among U.S. exhibitors participating in trade shows and similar events. Lutz specializes in business improvement in the convention-and-meetings industry. Currently, 85 percent of trade-show revenue — not limited to the ATA Show, but ALL U.S. trade shows — comes from space sold. The other 15 percent is generated through sponsorships and advertising. And, Lutz writes, that 15 percent is growing and representing more and more of overall event revenue.
Exhibitor Tips*:
+ Thought-Leaders: If your company is establishing itself as an industry thought-leader, seize opportunities to sponsor an educational track, such as the Archery Trade Academy, or the brochure promoting this on-site Trade Show seminar series.
+ Newbie Sponsors: ATA Trade Show exhibitors desiring visibility beyond show-floor real estate should consider entry points in the $1,000 range, which allows affordable visibility that packs clout. For example, wing banners cost $500 each; the International Reception, $1,000; convention trash-can wraps, $200 each; and the ATA Literature Kiosk$300 and up.
+ Reminder Advertising: Online sponsorships are now more abundant than ever, thanks to “You Are Here,” the ATA Trade Show’s online directory and floor plan. This is excellent “reminder advertising” that’s designed to supplement ad-placements in other mediums. In addition, several high-visibility homepage and landing-page positions provide robust, stand-alone sponsorship opportunities. Their ability to direct Show traffic to sponsoring booths was evident at the 2011 Show when smaller exhibitors bought visible online real estate and put themselves in the top 10 among all companies receiving Show kiosks hits.
*Based on writings from Dave Lutz, Velvet Chainsaw Consulting.
Look For It!
With this week’s release of the 2012 sponsorship brochure, Archery Business will feature an ATA column in its next issue that asks larger questions about the viability of sponsorship opportunities and investment. Get answers to questions like these: What is the strategic value of the investment? How does mainstream America view sponsorships and/or product placement? And how can you apply this information to your company, and the archery and bowhunting industry?