A Small Town Sportsman in the Super Bowl: The Baltimore Ravens’ Sean Considine
John E. Phillips 01.30.13
On Sunday, February 3, 2013, when the Baltimore Ravens come out of the tunnel to face the San Francisco 49ers in Super Bowl XLVII, one of the men to keep your eye on is number 37, Sean Considine. Considine, an avid outdoorsman who is on Mossy Oak’s Pro Staff, will be living the dream he’s had for most of his life and his entire football career.
Sean Considine comes from a small town in Illinois, Byron, which has about 5,000 residents.
“All we had to do for entertainment when I was a youngster was to be in the outdoors, hunting and fishing,” he remembers. “All my school buddies and I hunted for raccoons, rabbits, white-tailed deer, and gobbling turkeys. During the summer, we fished almost all summer long. Other than sports, hunting and fishing were our only recreation. My dad had hunted some, but once my brother and I really got into hunting, my dad got fired-up too.” As football began to eat up Considine’s time, he had less and less time for hunting and fishing, but his passion for the outdoors never waned.
I asked Considine what would be the most difficult aspect of the game for this football player and his fellow Baltimore Ravens in this year’s Super Bowl,
“The NFL football season is a long, hard grind,” he replied. “This year’s Super Bowl will be our 24th game to play, if you count the pre-season games. So, keeping our team on board with our plan, focused on what our mission is in this game and aware of our team goals is very difficult, since we’ve played 24 games. One of our biggest advantages, however, is that the Baltimore Ravens have tremendous leadership from our coaching staff, starting with John Harbaugh, and the leadership we get from some of our key players, like Ray Lewis. So, to be able to stay the course and possibly win the Super Bowl is a long, hard journey. Fortunately for us, we are where we wanted to be when we started the season. Now, the main thing, for each of our players, is to stay focused on their jobs and do what they’ve done all season long.”
So on Super Bowl Sunday, when you see the Baltimore Ravens coming out of the tunnel to begin the game, look for number 37 Sean Considine. He’s a hunter, a fisherman, and a member of the Mossy Oak Pro Staff. He’s one of the outdoor community’s representatives in the biggest football game of the year, the 2013 Super Bowl.
To learn more about Mossy Oak, go to www.mossyoak.com. Outdoor Hub will be publishing more articles detailing Considine’s outdoors background in the lead up to the Super Bowl–keep checking back for more.