4 Discontinued Revolvers That We Want Back


4 Discontinued Revolvers That We Want Back

It’s always disappointing when a company discontinues a product you like, especially if you have been pushing off buying it until it is too late. When it comes to guns, you’re left with either buying it second-hand at a significant markup, or clamoring for the manufacturer to reintroduce it. Why wouldn’t they, you think to yourself as you stare longingly at the gun of your dreams through a computer screen. They would be swimming in money if they ever did. Yet for whatever reason, some guns just never find themselves back on the catalog.

These are the four revolvers that we—and thousands of others—want to see reintroduced. This being a short list, there are plenty that we have missed as well. What are some revolvers you want to see back in production?

1. Colt Python

Emerging from bankruptcy, Colt says it has significantly restructured its debt and improved its capital structure.
Image from M62 on Wikimedia.

How could we have this list without a Colt Python taking center stage? This “combat magnum” is one of the most beloved revolvers on this list, and should Colt even so much as whisper a rumor about bringing it back, people will probably start throwing money at the company. So why is the Python so popular? Well, besides its gorgeous looks and a cool name, it is also commonly described as the best production revolver ever made. So there’s that.

The Python was made from 1955 to 2005, when changing market conditions and other factors caused Colt to discontinue this highly popular revolver. Many observers say that due to the high quality of craftsmanship needed to manufacture the Python, it may never be brought back.

After production stopped, the revolver became a highly sought after collector’s item, along with some of Colt’s other snake-titled revolvers such as the Anaconda and King Cobra.

You can learn more about this firearm from Hickok45:

2. Smith & Wesson Model 28

Image from Steve Z on Wikimedia.
Image from Steve Z on Wikimedia.

The Model 28, also known as the Highway Patrolman, is essentially a budget version of the S&W Model 27. Like the Model 27, it can trace its roots back to the Registered Magnum but lacked the polish and production costs of the more expensive gun. This actually made it more popular with police departments and gun owners who preferred a more budget-friendly firearm.

It was made from 1954 to 1986.

You can learn more about it below:

3. Colt Detective Special

Image from SteveZ on Wikimedia.
Image from SteveZ on Wikimedia.

The iconic snubby. This short-barreled revolver from Colt earned its reputation in the hands of police detectives, bodyguards, and concealed carry permit holders. It was especially popular in its powerful—for its time— .38 Special cartridge and easy concealment.

It was made from 1927 to 1986, and reintroduced for two years from 1993 to 1995.

You can learn more about this gun from Hickok:

4. Smith & Wesson 696

Image screenshot from YouTube.
Image screenshot from YouTube.

This revolver was only manufactured for about five years, from 1997 to 2002, and by many accounts it was not very popular during its production run. A strange thing happened after it was discontinued however, and over the past few years the popularity of this 5-shot revolver steadily climbed. Those who have shot the revolver say the cult appeal comes from a smooth trigger, light weight, and comfortable recoil. Also, being chambered in .44 Special didn’t hurt.

You can learn more about it from Hickok below:


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I'm the knife nut that everybody is ashamed to know. My love of sharp things extends to all kinds of edged weapons, be they small, large or on a stick.

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