Video: Paddle Boarder Gets Body Slammed by Surfing Dolphin
OutdoorHub Reporters 05.03.18

A paddle boarder in Australia was attempting to get a closer look at a pod of dolphins swimming near shore, when he was suddenly body slammed and thrown off his board.
When Andrew Hill hopped on his paddle board to watch a pod of roughly 20 dolphins chase and hunt fish in their natural environment, the last thing he expected was to take a hit like this!
The description under Viral Hog’s video states the following about the situation:
“Waiting to film surfers when Lucas noticed a pod of dolphins that appeared to be chasing fish. The pod of about 20 dolphins then turned to catch a wave, when one dolphin jumped out of the water and knocked Stand Up Paddle Boarder Andrew Hill off his board with a nice bump!“
Upon watching the clip several times, it almost appears as if the dolphins orchestrated the entire thing:
That guy’s probably heading for the concussion protocol after taking a hit like that. . .